Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday June 15

Flight from Chicago O'hare to Portland went fine.  Bike arrived in great shape.  Thanks Nick at Wheel and Sprocket.  He did a last check up and packed the bike.  I have been sytaying with Pam and Tommy in Vernonia Oregon the last two days.  They picked me up at the Portland airport and have been VERY hospitable.  Vernonia is about 35 mi. outside Portland.  Small town incredibly scenic. Got in 100+ miles riding on the Vernonia Banks bike trail.  great pictures and map on their web site.  part of the Oregon State park system.  A little over 20 miles long.
I will miss the "Portland Naked Bike Ride" tomorrow night.  yes, it is exactly that a naked bike ride.  It is a party that starts at 9:00 PM with body painting.  2010 had 10,000 riders.  With this years good weather they hope to have even more riders.  Police block all the cross traffic on the. The parties after the ride go until dawn.  The event is to raise bicycle and alternative transportation awareness.  I would love to go, but, can't see staying up all night the day before starting to ride.
Feeling pretty good, still nervous, but, time to get this show on the road.
Sat, tomorrow, I will finally be in Astoria to check in and meet some of the people I will spend the next 2 months with.
See you down the road


  1. GOOD MORNING, Sam. Hope you had a good night's rest, because TODAY is the day. It's time to show everyone why you are THE EGG MCMUFFIN of riding. Have a great ride. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Love, Dick & Nancy

  2. And..... We're off!
    You do know we're all taking this ride don't you?
    And the stories we will tell (as soon as you provide the work and perspective)
    YaHOOOOO So exciting.
    Proud of you.
    Love you.

  3. Sam, this is so great! I will be checking every day to see how you are doing. I hope the trip is everything you expect - and more! mjkb

  4. Sam, please be safe and enjoy yourself. What a great opportunity for you to do something that you love so much...well next to Mary, that is! LOL I'll see you when you ride through Wisconsin. Love ya like a brother! Jeryl
