Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ontario Or.  83 mile

Sunny day, nice ride.  Moderate hard day.  First time we road on the shoulder of the freeway.  Really is quite wide and safe.  Being careful and check, double check before crossing ramps has been drilled into all of us for the last week.  Sometimes in the mountains there just isn't much choice for routes.  We were on "old hwy 30" much of the day.  "new" highway 30 is the freeway.  We worried more about debris and stray steel wires than the cars, except at ramps.  Lots of farm fields and elaborate irrigation systems.  We would pass lush green fields and then arid brown desert.
Happy Birthday to Art Paque (my brother)  Art has been sending me encouraging notes and bad jokes.
Big milestone for today was changing time zones from Pacific to Mountain time.  We all lost an hour of free time.  riding time doesn't change and sleep time rules.

Riding on the freeway shoulder, note the space to left and right of rider

More space and quieter than some of the state highways with logging trucks

Deluxe setting for a (SAG, support and gear) food stop today.

Truck crew is really good about taking warm clothes from riders as the day warms up.  Windbreakers, leggings etc.

Tomorrow, Monday is the first of 3 light days.  Mon= 60 mi.  Tues rest day, Wed 60 mi.
We will ride through the Tetons in Wyoming.  There we will hit some steep climbs, some even steeper than what we have seen so far. 
Medical note:  Blood sugar at end of ride, 103 (100 is perfect),  Heart rate is about 83bpm, also very good, will be lower by morning.  Only went to 120's bpm today except when I sprinted.  Butt is sore, will be less sore by morning.  Knees did very well today, no pain at all until last 10 mi.  Need ice and Ben Gay as preventative.  I apply sunscreen  liberally every morning, thanks Evonne, so skin is doing good.  Side feature of trips like this one is you get (need) to eat a lot all day long.  Had some GREAT fudge and Huckleberry Ice Cream.
Thanks for your support


  1. Hey Sam. I finally am here to wish you well. The pictures are awesome, keep them coming. Keep eating those bananas!!! You need all the food you can get. I should have sent you with a dozen bagels!! Mt. Hood was gorgeous. Watch out for cow crossings......don't want to hit any of those pies. Take care. Be safe.

  2. Hi Sam, Great photos, love em'. Good ridding, you 'will' be fine. love your blog, look every day at the landscape. Good climbing, and ben gay is good stuff. Nancy

  3. Hi Sam. Wow!! I'm caught up with your blog and the ride up and down the mountains sounds amazing!! I love the pictures. So, how scaring is it riding down a mountain trail at 30+ mph? Is screaming allowed? :-)Be safe my friend. -Jeryl

    1. That should be scary...we don't want to see any scars.LOL

  4. Thought about you this weekend, and hoped all was well. Keeping you in our thoughts!! Be safe and pedal straight! - k

  5. Hi Sam, wow it looks beautiful!! Speeds are pretty fast, I can't imagine going that fast down hill or at all for that matter, hope the breaks are tuned up daily.

    Just heard The Stones are going to play in 2013, and then call it quits.....hope thay come here. Be safe!!!! - Ann

  6. Hey Sam, great photos, what a pretty part of the country. Ben and Chris are cheering you on. That 30 mph downhill stretch must have been fun! Everyone says "be safe" Well, have some fun, too! Shirley

  7. Your blog is awesome. I check it every day on the train ride into and out of Chicago. You don't sound like a turtle to me!
    Love the medical notes :) lu Peggy

  8. Hi Sam, Ben & Chris are cheering you on - they in awe of your goal. We're sneaking in a little US geography too! More pictures! Shirley

  9. Hi Sam! Jim & Sandy cheering you on! Awesome pictures! Be safe and have fun (yes, both at the same time, please)!
