Tuesday, August 7, 2012


The last day started with a beautiful ride through New Hampshire and ended at the beach in the water.  The real emotion and ending hit when I could see the ocean through the trees.  That's when I went My god it's over we did it.  The ceremony and pictures on the beach were fun and the sun was shining.  (When we were on the beach in Astoria it was raining).  Melanie, the oldest rider 83 old blind in her left eye, poured a bottle of water from the Pacific ocean into the Atlantic.  She is a really amazing woman.  Rode so many miles in all kinds of weather.  Much of it slowly by herself.
The biggest emotion right now is relief.  We're done.
Over the next few days I will put together more notes and pictures.
For all of you hard cover picture lovers, I have ordered the "official" DVD reported to have 5,000 photos.  I have seen about 500 of them at meetings and the awards banquet.  Many of them are spectacular and memorable.  Yes, it is the ultimate vacation slide show.  I will watch it all.  Nobody else could possibly sit through it.
Thanks to everyone who wrote emails, posts, and send cards and packages.
Special thanks to my sister Sandy and her friend who drove all the way to Idaho for my birthday.
Anita, Maryjo, Peggy, Art and all my brothers and sisters for their support
Gail for her near daily emails.
Bob Hanisch and the people at Peak Performance Professionals, where I spent many Thursdays training
Jeff Dickinson, friend and supporter for so many years.
Thanks most of all to
Mary my wife, and biggest supporter
Life is short, enjoy the ride


  1. Congratulations Sam. I have nothing original to add but echo the comments of all your friends, family and supporters. You have shown us that we can make our dreams come true. Lup

  2. and now........what is the next dream?

  3. Way to go Sam! It seems so long ago when Tommy and I dropped you off in Astoria, I'm sure it seems way longer for you! You are truely an inspiration!

    Tommy and Pam

  4. Sam, thanks for "taking us along" for the ride! It was exciting to read your blog every day and take in all the emotions, pictures and stories. You proved that there is nothing we can't do if we really set our minds to it. I love the Melanie stories!!
    See you soon. -Jeryl

  5. Sam, I just called Mary to tell her BRAVO! Your accomplishment is incredible, and I echo Anonymous people who thank you for taking us along. I have enjoyed following you on your journey, with all of the humor and insights and photos you posted along the way. What a journey and amazing memories you have made! ~Ann Szeflinski (from Work, Wisconsin)

  6. Congrad's Mr. Sam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to all the stores at the WGC. Ed.

  7. Congratulations, for sure--but even more than that, thank you for sharing this amazing experience. I have enjoyed it, but even more, have found it inspiring for myself. Looking forward to the next chapter--relaxation, poetry, writing, ... I wonder what you will choose? Happy energy, Ginger
