Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 15 Idaho Falls, ID to Jackson Hole, WY  July 2

Today was a great day!!!   Climbed a steeper ascent than ever before, 10% for 3 miles.  My sister Sandy and her friend Patty stayed for a second day and saw the mountains we climbed.  Yes, REAL mountains.  We climbed to Pine Creek Summit at 6,764 ft.  descended to 5,820 ft then climbed to Teton Pass Summit at 8,431ft. then down to 6,123 ft.  Tomorrow we climb to 9,658 ft. Togwotee Pass.
I have a number of pictures from the climbs and overlooks in the mountains.  Sandy and Patty took some pictures alsoSorting them and posting will have to wait a day or two.  We were up at 4:30 this morning and in 90deg. heat much of the day.  It is now past my bed time.
Wake up is 5:30.
I will get pictures and more posted as soon as I can.
Stay safe.


  1. It's very good to read such a positive attitude... I'm glad you had a good birthday!

  2. Lol. And I was hot and tired laying in an inflatable boat tied to the dock, reading and drinking a margarita :) Goooo Sam.*! lup

  3. Hope you get to see some pretty fireworks for the 4th!! It is so dry here, most have been cancelled. Be safe and remember to watch out for moose! - kelli

  4. Hi Sam,

    Happy belated borthday from Mary's cohorts in compliance! Glad to see that you made it to the top of the Conntinental divide today. I suspect our subcontinental divide running through Waukesha pales in comparison to what you scaled. Keep up the good work! Stay well!!!

    Mike Ceccato

  5. Happy belated Birthday, Sam. You rock! Sue Loucks
