Friday, July 6, 2012

July 5 Day 18, Riverton to Casper WY, 119 mi.

Today was a unique experience, we had 100deg.  rain, hail, headwinds, tailwinds all in only 119 mi. and the scenery never changed.  From Riverton to Casper it was desert scrub brush up close and mountains in the distance. 
To recreate today's ride, sit on a board, stare at this picture for 8 hrs. in the sun, then jump in an ice cold shower and run back to stare at the picture for two more hrs.  That's what we did, scenery never changed all day, except one historical monument.  We told each other this ride builds strength and character, nobody believed it.

Historical monument

Strangely beautiful

close up of valley

Today's educational moment:

Cattle crossing guard grate

This is a grate that cattle won't walk across.  It is in many driveways and some roads.  The grate acts like a gate that you don't have to open and close.  Cattle won't cross it.  Think rumble strip on steroids.  Cars can drive right over, bicycles can ride right over if it is DRY.  Don't ride across when wet, because it is extremely slippery.  Pit under the grate is about 12" deep.  Best speed to ride across is about 15mph.  Then it only rattles your bike and body.  Slower and it feels like everything is falling apart.
We are only 1/3 of the way across the country and I am already amazed at the diversity we have seen.  Ocean, mountains, valleys, deserts, green pastures and forests.  The U.S. is truly an amazing country.  The people we have met are almost all curious, friendly and helpful, fun to talk to.  The few obnoxious and spiteful people we have met are a very very small minority.  We have had passengers in cars throw handfuls of gravel and drivers who refuse to budge an inch.  Because of this we try to always keep safety first and have a cheerful attitude.  There have been so many courteous and polite drivers especially professional truck drivers. 
Stay safe
Thanks to everyone who emails.  Mail is GREAT to receive even when I am too tired to answer.


  1. Keep up the good work, Sam. It is so hot hee in Milw we can hardly hike, much less do strenuous biking. It will be fun to hear your tall tales when you get back. We saw Miles and Mary Jo last night at our mutual friends, the Bilot's. Now I'm off to Forest Lake where I will hike on the Ice Age Trail no matter how warm it may be.
    Have fun

    Bob and Mary Pat

    1. Hope you have lots of shade on the trail. We have been finding it in short supply.
      Thanks for the notes.

  2. Hi Sam,
    Been folowing your blog as you continue on your trip, you should have been a writer great reading and the photos give us a opportunity to experience first hand your ride accrose America.

    Thanks for letting us be apart of your ride.

    1. I appreciate the feedback from people at home. It is kind of a blur sometimes because of moving nearly every day and long desert roads. Looking forward to some nice wooded WI roads. Say Hi to all the guys at WGC

  3. Continually amazed at your strength & stamina - both mental & physical. Love, mjkb

    1. Thanks for all your comments and support. Got the postcard. Loking forsome to send back

  4. Thanks for sharing all of this, Uncle Sam! We love all the pictures, it is so neat to see that you biked through Pocatello, Teton NF,& Idaho Falls, where I spent many days in the summers visiting my aunt, uncle, and cousins. you are doing a great job and we are hoping for safety on your trip, free from injury. I can't believe people throw gravel at you!! So glad you got a visit from your sister, and great job on the steep day of climbs. Stay safe and healthy! Love Gary and Crystal

  5. On a humorous historical note, imagine the guy in his covered wagon 150 years ago whose wife says,"I left Ohio for THIS???!!!"

    and his reply is, "Ahh, this is the bad part........we're almost there."

    and then, in another month or so, she sees the Rockies looming ahead.....

    justifiable homicide was the court ruling, I'm sure
