Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Boise to Mountain Home ID, June 27

Sunny day right from the start.  53 miles of light wind and sunshine with not much else.
Lynne's day strated with the well known overnight problem of the "motel room flat". 

Tire was ok last night now it's flat.  Jim (guy in blue shirt) is our mechanic on the trip.  Luckily it was a short time and we rolled out by 8:15.  Boise is in a valley and the first half of today's ride was up onto the high plains.

 The second half was high plain and more high plain and more high plain.  After a while it all looked the same.  Relatively quick day.  we were off the road by 12:30.  Nice pool and good day to catch up on shopping at Walmart, or email.  I plan to watch the movie "Ride the Divide".  2,700 miles, Canada to Mexico along the continental divide in the Rocky Mountains.  Billed as the world's toughest mountain bike race,  I have NO desire to ride this.  Don and Mary Reiman want to ride it in 2014. 
Ride the Divide is an unsupported ride.  This means no support vehicle.  If you don't carry it you haven't got it.  Don and Mary have each done 200 mi with 10,000 vertical feet of climbing IN ONE DAY.  Hats off to the both of you.
Tomorrow is 93 mi with 2,350 vertical ft.  so it is back to 8:30 lights out and 5:30 alarm clock.  We will get in as many early miles as we can.  Forecast is 0% rain 93deg and very little shade
If you would like a list of the cities, daily mileage and how much climbing each day send me an email at and I will send it to you


  1. The arid desert needs some wild horses running in it Sam, then it would not be so boring to look at. Hope things are well. Looking forward to seeing you in Wisconsin.Nancy

  2. Your posts include great descriptions of the terrain. I expected lists of your aches & pains. This is sore, that hurts... Does this mean you are stoic, or fairing really well? mjkb
