Friday, June 29, 2012

Twin Falls ID to Burley ID, Fri June 29

Today was a short day only 42 miles.  Sleeping late (6:30) this morning was strange.  You know you're on the road with a strange group when the day's highlights are: going to the bike shop for a new water bottle, a bicycle maintenance presentation and installing a new chain on your bike.  We did see Shoshone Falls and more views of the Snake River Canyon plus a whole lot of flat farm land.

We don't see logging trucks anymore.  We do still travel with lots of trucks.  The professional drivers are almost all courteous and give us as much space as they can.  Many even wait for us to go ahead if there is a narrow spot in the road, such as a bridge, we try to wave and thank them.  Car drivers can be VERY amusing they have even honked and made obscene gestures when they are going the other way on a divided highway.  We just shrug our shoulders and go on.  The obnoxious drivers stand out because there are really so few of them.
Burley is a smaller city of about 10,000 people.  Some people skipped the maintenance talk and went to see "Snow White and The Huntsman"  I think they just wanted cold soda and air conditioning.
Current topic is weight loss.  Some people are losing weight and one guy said he lost almost 12 pounds, then he found an accurate scale, only lost about 4 lbs.  He is trying get in shape to look good at his son's wedding, 2 weeks after the trip ends.  I just want to maintain my weight.  Today was a short day and was only 2200 calories.  Thur was over 5,000 calories while on the bike.
Tomorrow, Sat. We will have a safety inspection of all the bikes.  We have been on the road almost 2 weeks, through rain, dust, grit and grime.  The idea is to review the condition of all safety features on the bikes before we get to the Teton Mountains.  Going up and down are hard on both riders and bikes.  The tour leaders are very adamant about safety issues.  Riding single, obeying traffic signs and laws etc.  We will be inspecting brakes, cables brake pads, headsets etc. I have a spare set of brake pads along.   Rest of the bike is in good shape.
Stay tuned for more details about our July 2 and 3rd climb up to the continental divide at 11,000 feet.  Here in Burley we are at 4,165 ft elevation.  2 days of about 1,000 ft climbing then days of 5,500 ft and 3,800 ft.  Not much down hill those two days of 88 mi each
Time for stretching and bed.  Alarm is set for 5:15 AM

1 comment:

  1. Good thing you are on top of the weight loss thing, trying to gain it back after you lose it can be an issue. The pics are just fabulous! I love the snake river. Looks allot like our ride across America on our motorcycles, and a bit easier on our body parts, but the scenery is still beautiful. Hope you have a great ride for the rest of your trip. See you in Wisconsin. Nancy
