Saturday, June 23, 2012

John Day to Baker City, OR, 80 miles, 4,000 vertical ft

Left to right- Crist, Jeff, Diane, Lynne, Janell

Looking west from ice cream store in downtown Baker City

We had Another great day, No Rain, 3 tough climbs.  I realize now why days start with uphill and finish downhill.  The start and finish cities are in valleys, not mountain tops.  Climb up over the mntn to the next valley and go down to the city.  Then repeat.  We had another great finish, 20 mi at almost 30 mph.  Down hill with a tailwind.  Attached are pictures of the group I usually ride with and the town of Baker City.
Lunch stop was a box lunch at a beautiful park on a mountain lake.  Hated to leave.
We rode about 15 miles along a mountain stream through canyons.  Then rode along a river.  Several groups were fishing in the lower river.  Very picturesque,  yes, I know, you want pictures.  When I am riding 30 mph in the sun with a cool breeze, I don't stop for pictures.

Mike Munk, (ride leader) practices his swing by hitting golf balls off the pavement while waiting for riders to go through the checkpoint.

Thanks for all your comments, emails and texts.  I look forward to them each day.


  1. You're sounding like a pretty cool customer, have you been happy with your preparation? What is the attitude in your group? I suppose "oorah" intensity would not be easy or prudent to maintain for such distances. Are you finding people chatty (at least when not making 5,000 foot ascents) or are they focused on the task at hand?
    Loving reading your posts,

  2. I'm hoping that the physical stress isn't catching up with you today... I figure today (Sunday) might be the hardest day, with accumulated wear, tear and sore body. Once you are done with today, I am thinking it is smooth sailing, sheer enjoyment, the big challenge/obstacle over. Does that make sense? Good luck! Wishing you comfortable tail winds! Ginger, Glenn and GB

  3. Way to go, Dude. Gary and I shot in the IL State Tournament and got it our butts kicked this weekend.
    I have enjoyed your blogs. Sounds like truly a ride of a lifetime. Keep us posted.

    All the best,
