Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tues June 12

Departure time is finally here!!!  I leave in less than 24 hrs.  After over 40 years of fantasy my dream is becoming real.  Scary, elated, relaxed and tense all at once.
Today is a good day.  Packing is done and just details to take care of.  Bike is packed so no riding.  Long walk with Louie (dog) will be good.
Several people have said the easiest way to view the blog is to create a favorite and check it once a day or so.  This displays all the comments and enables replies.  The subscribe feature caches what I write so it is available, but, without added work doesn't show comments or enable reply/comment.
Much of this trip is about people,  The people who have been encouraging, the people who have done favors, some large, the people I will meet along the journey, the people who I will share the ride with.  I expect to learn a lot about people, including myself.
Mary gave me a card I will treasure as I ride, it says, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone".
May you to have the chance to find the end of your comfort zone.
Thanks to ALL of you for your thoughts and encouragements.


  1. I have mixed feelings at the start of your ride, too... pride and envy, mostly! Keep us up to date so we can live vicariously and be inspired at the same time. Larry

  2. Ditto, definitely feeling inspired as you prepare to embark on this journey. I'm so excited about this blog and being able to watch your progress. Maybe we will learn something about pushing our own comfort zones just by following you here. Good luck, I will be cheering you on from the East Coast.

  3. Waiting to hear from you today... has the tension level gone up or down? I have the feed on my iGoogle desktop. It works quite well. Ginger

  4. Awaiting word from today....Day #1! You must be in Portland by now - 4pm CDT. Cheering you on, and relating to the comfort zone message. When we leave our comfort zones, some discomfort must be expected! Cheering you on, and I have your itinerary beside my computer.

  5. this is a test message
